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Tourist Information Schleswig

Schleswig Tourist Information Plessenstr. 7 Schleswig Tel. +49 (0) 4621 98 16 19 www.schleswig.de www.ostseefjordschlei.de What to see and do in the city ? Discover the city, ask Visitor Information / Tourist Information. Find cheapest travel in smart search, see hotel and apartment recommendations. 


Schleswig Travel Wiki Travel to Schleswig Read about and get inspiration for a trip to the city, check for the cheapest flights and hotels in Schleswig Schleswig is in Northern Germany, sitting on an inlet that leads directly to the Baltic Sea. It separates the Angeln and Schwansen Peninsulas, creating a lowland area that is perfect for agricultural work. First mentioned in 804 AD, it would develop into one of the most powerful settlements in the region for more than two centuries. By...