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Holidays, Jersey 2020

Non working days in Jersey 2020 National holidays / Observances / Non working days in Jersey year 2020. Here you can see a listing of the national holidays / observances / non working days for the year listed in easy overview. The list is sortable using the sorting option in the top of the table. The table has a search field if you would like to search a specifik day or holiday type. Please note the listed days for the year...

Holidays, Jersey 2019

Non working days in Jersey 2019 National holidays / Observances / Non working days in Jersey year 2019. Here you can see a listing of the national holidays / observances / non working days for the year listed in easy overview. The list is sortable using the sorting option in the top of the table. The table has a search field if you would like to search a specifik day or holiday type. Please note the listed days for the year...

Holidays, Jersey 2018

Non working days in Jersey 2018 National holidays / Observances / Non working days in Jersey year 2018. Here you can see a listing of the national holidays / observances / non working days for the year listed in easy overview. The list is sortable using the sorting option in the top of the table. The table has a search field if you would like to search a specifik day or holiday type. Please note the listed days for the year...

Saint Helier, Hovedstaden i Jersey

Der er mange øer i den Engelske Kanal, men der er ingen, der er som Saint Helier. Det er et af de 12 sogne i Jersey, og de menes at være blevet bebygget, da Romerne var i området. En af de mest unikke oplevelser, Saint Helier tilbyder er et besøg til skytshelgenens eneboerhytte. Den er tilgængelig til fods ved lavvande og ligger mellem byen og Elizabeth Castle. Hvis du går glip af lavvandet er der også amfibiefærger, der sejler på...

Jersey Holidays

Jersey Public Holidays See the calendars for national Jersey holidays year by year. Find and just click on the year you for which you need more information about Jersey holidays, and the calendar for the year will open. When is the non working days for the year. Public / national days, see the calendar for the country here.

Saint Helier, capital of Jersey

Saint Helier Travel Wiki Travel to Saint Helier Read about and get inspiration for a trip to the city, check for the cheapest flights and hotels in Saint Helier There are many islands in the English Channel, but there are none like Saint Helier. It is one of the 12 parishes of Jersey and is believed to have been settled at the time when Romans were in the region. One of the most unique experiences Saint Helier offers is a visit to the...

National Tourist Information Jersey

Traveladvisor in Jersey: Are you going on a vacation you can get lots of free and professional help, traveladvice and information from the National Tourism Organisation. Discover the country and the cities getting the most out of your vacation with the professional help from the people who knows their country and their culture the best. Jersey Tourism Organisation WEBSITE FACEBOOK TWITTER YOUTUBE FLICKR INSTAGRAM GOOGLE+ PINTEREST VIMEO