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[tp_search_shortcodes slug=”4f02989d” origin=”” destination=”SPU” hotel_city=”Split, Croatia, 2458, 9022, city, Croatia” type=”avia_hotel” subid=””]

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Split Travel Wiki Travel to Split Split, Croatia, is situated in the Mediterranian basin on the Adriatic Sea. Covering a central peninsula, it was initially founded by the Greek in the 6th century BC. Diocletion, one of the later emperor’s of Rome, built a palace on the city’s location in the early 4th century and that palace still exists to this day. Initially meant for his retirement, the Romans abandoned it as their empire began to crumble. Having been occupied since the early 7th century,...

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Are you visiting the city for the first time and need a place to stay ?, then have a look here for inspiration and travel advice.

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